Cosmic horror with Premee Mohamed

Cosmic horror with Premee Mohamed

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSCosmic horror is an unhelpful term by itself. HP Lovecraft himself is quoted as saying that: The fundamental premise [of cosmic horror is] that common human laws and interest and emotions have no validity or...
Five questions with K.A. Doore

Five questions with K.A. Doore

We love verbose interviewees! When people are excited about a topic, their enthusiasm lights up the metaphorical room. This week we are delighted to have K.A. Doore on the blog with more than enough enthusiasm to go around! On your website, you call out what queer...
Five questions with Maura McHugh

Five questions with Maura McHugh

For our first set of five questions in 2020 – in the decade – we are excited to have a chameleon of creative mediums. Maura McHugh is a master of short stories, long-form prose, comics, and radio plays. Maura’s most recent work Judges: Psyche, a novella set in...
Bonus: RJ Barker and Micah Yongo (live)

Bonus: RJ Barker and Micah Yongo (live)

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSA bonus Christmas episode for you all! Back in December 2018, Charlotte was asked to interview RJ Barker and Micah Yongo at perhaps one of the most beautiful bookshops in Britain – the Bradford Wool Exchange branch...
Five questions with Caitlin Starling

Five questions with Caitlin Starling

I still remember the day my father showed me The Terminator for the first time. We were sat at breakfast one morning when he turned to my mother and said, ‘I think she’s ready.’ Once I had finished eating my breakfast of Eggo waffles and ice cream,...