Our Episodes

Writing horror comics with Corissa Grant

Writing horror comics with Corissa Grant

We have a lot of authors on our podcast, talking about their books, what inspired them, how they’ve written them etc. Quite often they’ll get drawn into the TV series or films that inspired them [*coughs* Star Trek]. But a medium we don’t often touch upon is comics...

The poetry of space – with Oliver K. Langmead

The poetry of space – with Oliver K. Langmead

When we say the word “novel,” most of us think of a book written in prose, split into chapters and possibly parts. But every now and again, we come across novels that defy our expectations. Pratchett’s early work not only eschewed chapters - instead presenting the...

Secrets and killers with Kaaron Warren

Secrets and killers with Kaaron Warren

A few decades ago, if you said the word “Gothic haunted house novel,” the phrase would very definitely have brought to mind something with a rambling Victorian mansion, tortured heroines, mad women in the attic, sombre men, and wailing ghosts. It probably wouldn’t...

Keeping it short – with Gianni Washington

Keeping it short – with Gianni Washington

A short story isn’t just a novel in miniature form. It isn’t even a shortened novella. It is a creature of its own devising. There’s only time for a snapshot of reality, and in the space of a few thousand words, you have to be able to draw in a reader, make them feel...

Secret societies & the occult – with S.T. Gibson

Secret societies & the occult – with S.T. Gibson

The literature of our past is littered with casual gender biases. You describe someone as a “witch” and the natural assumption is that they are female. But according to Diane Purkiss, while mostly women were accused in the English witch trials, in some of the...

The horror of space travel with SA Barnes

The horror of space travel with SA Barnes

“In space, no one can hear you scream.” It’s an iconic tagline that can be applied to so many modern stories about space travel and exploration (except, perhaps, our beloved Star Trek). Obviously, space travel in real life can be incredibly perilous, but the perils of...

Religion, tradition, and history in fantasy with Andrew Knighton

Religion, tradition, and history in fantasy with Andrew Knighton

Religion has been part of our society for centuries. Is it any wonder then that it can make up a large part of our fiction – from CS Lewis’s allegorical Chronicles of Narnia series to Anna Smith Spark’s Empires of Dust trilogy and the Loki books by Joanne Harris. But...

Yes, we’re also authors – with Lucy and Charlotte

Yes, we’re also authors – with Lucy and Charlotte

We have a bit of an unusual episode for you today! While it is amazing that we have so many authors who want to come on the show – we feel truly honoured – we thought it was about time we returned to talking among the three of us, like it was when we first began the...