Five questions with C. S. Malerich

Five questions with C. S. Malerich

What do we want?Equal pay!When do we want it?NOW! We spoke to C. S. Malerich about her novella, The Factory Witches of Lowell, publishing with Tor next month. In summary – go pre-order this now! now! now! It is a popular trope to reclaim witchcraft for the feminist...
Five questions with Rose Biggin

Five questions with Rose Biggin

Wild Time by Rose Biggin and Keir Cooper is a bold and often outrageous reimagining of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. There’s so much to explore in this book that we invited one of the authors along to introduce it! Read on as we reclaim...
Five questions with Alice James

Five questions with Alice James

We are so done with damsels in distress. Thankfully, we have writers like Alice James turning the tide! A little bit Buffy, a little bit Scooby-Doo, Grave Secrets will keep you on the edge of your seat while simultaneously make you cry with laughter. We asked Alice...
Five questions with Colette Phair

Five questions with Colette Phair

I stumbled across Colette on Twitter one day and saw that she had released a new version of her novel Nightmare in Silicon. Shamefully, I had never come across the original novel, but the description instantly had me intrigued – a feminist scifi exploring gender...
Five questions with Caitlin Chung

Five questions with Caitlin Chung

One thing about speculative fiction I have always loved is getting to explore an entirely new and different world. But historical fiction can provide much of the same wonder – especially when written about a period or people not many of us know about. When I stumbled...
Five questions with Kalynn Bayron

Five questions with Kalynn Bayron

As Kalynn mentions in this interview, Cinderella is one of *the* most popular fairytales around. It has certainly always been a favourite of mine. But unlike Kalynn, as a straight white cis woman, I have never know what it is like to find myself unrepresented in...