The 2017 speculative fiction prospectus

The 2017 speculative fiction prospectus

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSIt is the holiday season and everyone is thinking about presents. Don’t lie, you know you are. You’ve been making a list (even if only in your head) of presents you’d like to receive and trying to...
Interview with Becky Chambers

Interview with Becky Chambers

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThe Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet has been one of my favourite reads this year. If you enjoy science fiction and haven’t made time to read it yet… what are you waiting for? If you want to read my full...


Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThis Monday marked the 30th anniversary of Labyrinth’s release (in the US). In these three decades, the entire world has been captivated by the story of teenager Sarah and her adventures in the labyrinth. The film is...