Five questions with A.C. Wise

Five questions with A.C. Wise

I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing A.C. Wise live on Instagram recently. We had great fun, or perhaps I should say *I* had a great time… I can’t speak for Alison! Don’t worry, you can still enjoy watching us be silly, talk about our literary...
Five questions with C.L. Clark

Five questions with C.L. Clark

The Unbroken by C.L. Clark has been one of my favourite reads this year. It was one of those novels that manages to be so different from everything else you’ve read while simultaneously capturing everything you’ve loved in the books you have read. This is...
Back to the 80s: Willow

Back to the 80s: Willow

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWell, it’s that time again: 80s family film funtime! Today we are looking at 1988’s Willow, starring Warwick Davis and Val Kilmer, directed by Ron Howard with a story by George Lucas. But first,...