Political fantasy with Katherine Addison

Political fantasy with Katherine Addison

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWe talk about unequal societies a lot on this show, about privilege and power and who is in a position to use it. We wanted to take a critical look at a subgenre that maybe best reflects the democratic, bureaucratic...
Review: Anna by Sammy HK Smith

Review: Anna by Sammy HK Smith

Anna is a story about domestic abuse and rape, and so it deserves the trigger warnings at the start of the book. Be warned, this is not a book for the faint-hearted.  From the very beginning, Anna, not her real name, but the one she assumes, is subjected to horrific...
Five questions with Alice James

Five questions with Alice James

We are so done with damsels in distress. Thankfully, we have writers like Alice James turning the tide! A little bit Buffy, a little bit Scooby-Doo, Grave Secrets will keep you on the edge of your seat while simultaneously make you cry with laughter. We asked Alice...
Five questions with Eeleen Lee

Five questions with Eeleen Lee

There has been a wealth of excellent science fiction by female writers of late. Personally, I love experimental Scifi – and Ann Leckie’s success would suggest other readers do too! Which is good news for Eeleen Lee’s new novel, Liquid Crystal Nightingale,...
Five questions with Corry L. Lee

Five questions with Corry L. Lee

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying reading fantasy novels inspired by Russian mythology with books like The Bear and the Nightingale and Deathless. But there is a lot more to explore of Russian culture and history through an SFF lense! Corry L. Lee uses Russian...