Writing horror comics with Corissa Grant

Writing horror comics with Corissa Grant

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWe have a lot of authors on our podcast, talking about their books, what inspired them, how they’ve written them etc. Quite often they’ll get drawn into the TV series or films that inspired them [*coughs* Star Trek]....
Five questions with J. M. Alvey

Five questions with J. M. Alvey

To support the incredible Books on the Hill kickstarter “Open Dyslexia: The Sequel” that launched on 7th June, we’re delighted to host historical crime writer J.M. Alvey on the BtGS blog. You may know J.M better as Juliet E. Mckenna. You’ve written...
Interview with Becky Chambers

Interview with Becky Chambers

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThe Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet has been one of my favourite reads this year. If you enjoy science fiction and haven’t made time to read it yet… what are you waiting for? If you want to read my full...